Does Barbie Feel Overwhelmed (July 27)

Does Barbie feel Overwhelmed 🥺

Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Feeling overwhelmed? Time to hit the pause button! Write it out, meditate, talk it out—whatever floats your boat! Trust those instincts. Not everyone or everything is a perfect fit.


There’s a correlation between mental health…and yes, sexual health. 

Are you an over-thinker? In a stressful situation at work, home or in your head? Are you a neurotic person? High stress levels can cause difficulty reaching climax. Even making it hard in becoming aroused. 

Strive to get as much of these types of pleasure in your life on a daily basis to feel better. Whether you care to have a fulfilling sex life or not, pleasure will fulfill your life. 

JUST THE TIPLooking to spice up your sex life!? Role playing, date nights. Having small groups of friends over and playing games. Attending fun workshops or couples retreats. 

Get a membership to a swingers club. Not saying to indulge…unless you desire! Learn how to use different toys, lubes, erotic dance and more. Read to each other (couples improvement books or erotica). 

Hire a sex coach to help you host a party and let them teach a class. Check out the Feeling Seen questions on boundaries and dig deeper. It’s PG-13, rated R coming soon. If you don’t have it, respond with, “give” and we’ll give it to you. 

Dear Feeling Seen,

“My friend is into private group sex mingling and said it is a good way to get out and socialize with a certain caliber of people. How do you just have sexual relations with random people? I want to meet people but I am afraid of STDs and that goes to say that everyone isn't honest about their medical situation. Condoms may protect from some things if used properly but when oral sex is involved there is no protection from STDs that are transmitted via oral sex. What do you suggest?


Socially Sexual Butterfly 🦋

It sounds like your friend is adventurous and edgy. Question for you, “What are your socializing goals?”.

Check in with yourself. Ensure your goals align with meeting various people in this environment.  

People from all walks of life are at private group sex mingling events. From small business owners, church goers, therapists, adult sex workers, PTA board members, even military patriots and more.

You may see some of our team at an event 😉

Casual sex is more aligned with risk takers, usually being male. Males and females both pursue long and short term mating. Depends on different conditions. 

We’re not interested in all the current science based facts due to so many different factors. We aren’t living in the same mindset we were 5 years ago (2 years before COVID 😳) let alone in the 1950s! 

A Sex Personality test, may reveal what you didn’t know about yourself! 


Read about condoms and what to use to protect you from oral sex here!

1st Step: Open and direct communication

It protects yourself when engaging in erotic activities with new friends or partners.

You’re right, people can suck. People do lie about their medical situation. 

If engaging in sexual activities your best defense outside of abstinence is to protect yourself with condoms, and ask questions.

Monogamous relationships sadly don’t protect you either. Many are serial monogamously dating and cheating individuals. Damn, that came across as morbid, we love relationships and love, love ◡̈     

Men are likely to lie about their abilities, exaggerate their personal characteristics and their past experiences. Women may lie more to promote intimacy, and their lies are intended to make other people feel better about themselves. 

Women lie more often than men in conversations in which they know the person and are expecting future interactions. 

With conversations with people you don’t know and deceptive messages can secure a monetary benefit, men are significantly more likely to lie than women. 

With that said, if you decide to go to one of these events keep this information handy.  

Feeling Seen Tips

  • Have everyone in the private group use some sort of vetting process and agreement

  • Use the Sexual health Screening on the CDC website

  • Have a list of local, affordable clinics that offer STI testing/screenings

  • Visit local sex shops and clinics and ask for condoms, as well as other samples, or other free educational materials

Pleasure is your birthright! Listen to the voice inside you and know that consent is revocable. 


Inflammation can be the cause of a lowered sexual desire and arousal in women. Damn that Barbie movie!

Barbie’s actually cool but the processed foods and soda you had at the movie theaters are not! Try these Inflammation fighters and report back how you feel:

  • Black Pepper

  • Cardamom

  • Cinnamon

  • Garlic

  • Ginger

  • Ginseng

  • Green Tea

  • Rosemary

  • Turmeric

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

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Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Mike JohnsonEditing by: Mike Johnson

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