did you catch that 🙊

Dating in 2024. Too damn trifling. 

  • You’re shamed for being too real 

  • Your TikTok series, “Who TF Did I Marry” is making you a living - Reesa Teesa how do we duplicate this đŸ‘€

  • Your relationship must fit in the box [they] assumed is best for you

  • Your healthy thriving relationship must be validated by what others post

  • You're constantly being fed factual information at a rapid pace.  

It’s ironic sincerity. 

How do you tell your circle you’re Barbie type if they’re all Oppenheimer type? 

1-in-5 Americans experience an open relationship at some point in their life. Yes, casually dating to get to know people too.

A healthy designer relationship has many benefits:

  • Emotional freedom to experience acceptance, validation, and connection

  • Satisfy sexual needs in fun and diverse ways

  • Open communication without guilt

  • Explore authenticity through diversity of thought

  • Sensible expectations

  • Dopamine boost!

Not everyone is going to accept your lifestyle choices. That’s fine.  

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.”

Coco Chanel

“We're all up in this consensual non-monogamous vibe, right? Living our best lives, doing our thing. But now comes the million-dollar question – should we spill the beans to the fam?

I mean, do they really need to know about our little circus act? On one hand, honesty is key, right? But on the other hand, do we really wanna drop a bombshell that big at Aunt Linda's birthday party? 

It's like, 'Hey, happy birthday, Aunt Linda, by the way, I'm seeing three other people.' Awkward much? Maybe we'll start with the least judgmental cousin and work our way up. 

Ya gotta remember! Once the cat's outta the bag, there's no putting it back in. It could be one wild family reunion.”

There will be some challenges, and that’s life. No matter what type of relationship.

Stay ready and adaptable by staying on top of your self-care practices. Think:

  • Mindfulness

  • Self-kindness

  • Self-acceptance 

Share your relationship with family and the internet friends!? It's a hill every non-monogamous couple climbs. 

How you choose to disclose to others. If you choose to disclose at all. Is just as stressful. 

Take a deep breath and bring it back to balance. It’s all good. 

If speaking up about what makes you happy crosses a line of social acceptance, cross it with pride. Try these:

Your 5 steps to handle disclosure to family and friends:

  1. Is there a reason you need to disclose this to your family/friends?

  2. What parts of your lives do you want to be more private and intimate? 

  3. Are their children in the home, is the family involved in childcare?

  4. Be sure to have a good support network for ENM in the community

  5. Work with a sexual health professional to help guide you through this process the first year or two

Feel proud about how you meet your needs and experience pleasure. You are in a safe, open, and respectful situation. That checks a lot of boxes. 

We’re aware. Everyone is not as receptive, accepting, and supportive. If people were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. 

You are right to be cautious who you share your intimate details with. 

Wolves in sheep's clothing exist.

Do you alter how you act/speak/move depending on who's in front of you?

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When you open Pandora's box, think about who you want to share your relationship with and their values. 

There is no need to anticipate someone’s reaction. Having an idea of how they usually react though, when you share intimate details is important. 

This can help you decide the location to have the conversation and time of day. 

Let’s say mom is an early riser who adores a calm and quiet breakfast in the morning. This would be a great time to have the conversation.

Science is on your side! 

  • Dopamine 

  • Cortisol

  • Energy levels

Are highest in the morning for most people. 

She’s more likely to respond in a calm and less critical way. 

Pick an activity that you know the person likes. Have the conversation while doing something fun. 

Setting the time and location is key. 

You want to wait until they're engaged, energized, and you're in a fun or relaxing environment. That's when you try your best to have a sit-down.

Avoid opening up when they are in a sour mood or emotionally charged. 

You know people have different beliefs. It’s their right to their own opinion. This includes you and how you feel about your personal joy and pleasure. 

Still, we are social creatures and have a longing for human connection. Studies show that we go to extreme odds to be socially accepted. 

Being left out in the cold can be frightening. For you and me both. 

People who love you for you will always have your back. No matter what, you got this.

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