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  • does Interfaith relationships work!? 😕 (Sept 7)

does Interfaith relationships work!? 😕 (Sept 7)

do Interfaith relationships work 🫠

Reading Time: 6 Minutes

Daydreaming 💭 about your love bond connection. Whether you have that connection with someone or don’t, we’ve all daydreamed about it 🥺

Explore your Sensuality!


You have the capacity to feel love. Throughout your body! These habits help improve the production of oxytocin in your body. Keep the love vibes high with these must dos:

· Massage more

· Take a coffee break!

· More pleasurable sex

· Listen to music and sing

· More chamomile tea, please

· Love and Kindness Meditation

· Diversify microflora (gut health)

· Take Vitamin C, Magnesium, and Taurine

This hormone, aka the ‘love-hormone’ is what helps us feel close & bonded together.

Oxytocin benefits:

· Improves mood

· Regulates cortisol

· Reduces inflammation

· Increases pain threshold

· Reduces stress and anxiety

· Stimulates the vagus nerve

· Reduces withdrawal symptoms


Wanting to be on top but ashamed of your body

“..engaging in woman-on-top, or using several positions with the partner during that intercourse – 2/3 of women achieved one or more orgasms during the intercourse.

If their partner was more active, including man-on-top positions, less than half of women achieved orgasm.” - Sanchez, Kiefer, and Ybarra (2006)

· Keep the lights on  

· Try positive affirmations during sex

· Share a sexual fantasy with a partner    

· Don't posture and perform during sex          

· Remind yourself that all bodies are unique

· Follow people who look like you on social media

· Wear something that you feel comfortable wearing

· Champion therapy and identify where your body image issues come from

Dear Feeling Seen,

“I’m a Christian and my partner is Muslim. My partner has respectful, yet strong feelings about my Christianity and I with their religion. Can we make it in a relationship?”


Interfaith Love

God is love! That sounds amazing rolling off the tongue and settling in the heart. That is a value you both share and believe to be true.

This is your common ground and a great place to return when things get complicated. Half of all unmarried couples live with someone of different faith.  You can do this!


The success of your interfaith relationship has little to do with your religion. 80% of people in interfaith marriages believe similar values are most important.

Beautiful insight from a [22-year] interfaith relationship journey:

“People rarely pause to ask questions when falling in love. Neither did we. We knew that we shared a strong relationship with God and similar values about life.

To us, that was enough. We are normal like all other people, of course there are tough moments. It’s our commitment to those similar values that help us push through.”  

Temperature Check

First maintain a positive attitude. People can feel the energy, even if it's unintentional. Check your energy at the door and ask yourself a few questions to check in on your relationship:

· Do we compare our beliefs?

· Are we open-minded when sharing?

· Are we listening to each other?

· Do we support each other?

· Are we stereotyping each other based on social narratives?

Negative habits hurt interfaith relationships like any other relationship. Notice how you are feeling and expressing yourselves when discussing your faiths.

We are not always aware of our habits and the impact they have on others. A change in how you both approach sensitive conversations may make a world of difference. The energy doesn’t lie.

Practice Humility 

Religious practices, religious perspective, communication style, and social support are strong indicators.

There is a lot to consider outside of what you believe. Focus on how you are living according to your beliefs and values.

Tips to maintain a healthy relationship with different faiths:

  • Keep it respectful: Keep the lines of communication open, no hard feelings. Discuss your boundaries, make sure you each understand what is acceptable or not.

Always put some RESPECT on each other’s name!

  • Keep an open mind:  Communication is about sharing what’s important to you. Learn what is important and how we can support each other. Listen, talk, define your values more, and grow closer.

  • Maintain common ground: Keep in mind what brought you together. This is your safe space rooted in respect, safety, and compassion. Don’t forget why you fell in love.

  • Keep communication lines open and clear: This is a one size fits all relationship anthem. It doesn’t matter what your differences may be. Clear, honest, and consistent communication are a must.

Avoid misunderstandings and see each other with a pure heart. Use your NVC skills.

  • Get help: You are not the only two in an interfaith relationship. Speak to someone who understands. A neutral party is your best option to maintain balance and avoid biased feedback.


Liquorice Root. This magical ‘sweet root’ with a Greek name and origin treats a variety of conditions. This root improves lung, liver, circulatory, and kidney disease symptoms.

Liquorice root is common in tea.  It provides relief from:

· Cough

· Digestive problems

· Menopausal symptoms

· Bacterial and viral infections

This herbal remedy tastes good and feels better!

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

How did you like today’s email?

Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Dr. Hall, Mike Johnson 

Editing by: Mike Johnson

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