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Your Intimacy 💫😉 - Unlock Erotic Expression (sept 28)

🔓 Unlock Erotic Expression

Reading Time: 6 Minutes

In our quest for a more blissful life, it begins with mindful observation of our feelings and needs. Then intentional actions that align with our desires. In navigating hurdles to reach pleasure we sometimes get lost in the dark.

Forgetting that even shadows can birth ecstasy.

From the moment we’re born we’re fidgeting. Getting a sense of our environment. As we grow: family, friends, foes

Everyone! Reminding you how to behave for someone else. It’s no wonder so many people are lost, detached, and confused. If feeling like the previous sentence, try this..

Read this next sentence then, pause, and do what you read:

Get comfortable, take deep breathes in and out of your nose. Do that for 3 (up to 21) breaths counting in your head at the end of each exhalation. 

Explore Your Sensuality:


Dear Feeling Seen,

“Desperately seeking to have more sex with my partner, and he’s voiced the same concern. We’ve discussed time and time again how to resolve this, but we continually fall into a pattern of having sex maybe once every two weeks. We don’t have kids yet, and we are both young(ish). It feels like too early in our relationship to hit a sexual lull. This has been going on for about a year and a half. How do we make a change for the better?”


Rose City Rosebud

Dear Rosebud,

In reading your truth we had to let out a sigh. Then we poked out our bottom lip 🥹 after reading. You and your partner seem close.

So often we talk about effective communication, and so many other “buzzwords”. The truth, for your case, connection truly may be the word.

Now there can be a million and 22 reasons why. We don't have any of your medical records nor haven’t spoken. So we're pulling from your honest, wisdom seeking - words.

All 5 of your senses and your partners need to feel alive and flourishing.

Have you tried creating a sacred space!? You must!

Creating a sacred space enhances one’s sensual experience. To breathe life into what you may have wrote in your pleasure journal bringing you closer to a 10. Time to play ◡̈

This is an opportunity to explore and see what you like. To see:

  • What’s appealing to you

  • What’s going to get your sensual experience closer to a 10

  • Request that!

If you’re looking to create a sacred space, it’s a fun time to try. Often in finding and nourishing in our sacred space we unlock our erotic expression.

In which ways are you feeling your relationship needs balance in?

  • Depth of Intimacy

  • Better Communication, especially sexual communication

  • Deeper connection and intimacy

  • Lack of sexual education - simple don’t know what to do

  • Searching for healing

Bliss is oftentimes what’s missing for those who seem to do so much right. Being content is different for everyone. Thriving is arriving. Arriving at what you may ask.

Arriving at breaking free from the normal, the routine, the constant and “I can do this in my sleep” pattern. It’s your bedroom, lights, camera, action.

Those 200 calories we mentioned sex burns a few weeks ago aren't simple words, it’s real. Sex is active, sex is a verb. Break the routine, close the electronics and leave work in your parking lot.  Tonight, you create a sacred space.


Breakups.. happen. Know which stage you’re at. For different types of relationships, including close friendships and family members.

  • Answers - Desired by all, yet our reasoning often takes a backseat at this step

  • Shock and Denial - a person cannot believe that the separation is happening

  • Clinging to Hope - Thinking "What's my superhero move?"  😕

  • Relapse - You might persuade a reunion, but it's often a brief fixer-upper

  • Anger - Seeing it's a lost cause, discomfort becomes a catalyst for change

  • Initial Acceptance - Feels like surrender, but now, boundaries reign supreme

  • Redirected Hope - Release with self-preservation, embrace a fresh normal


As summer ends and fall arrives, relationships evolve.

After emotions have settled, and you enter into your initial acceptance stage. Getting coaching for personal growth can be valuable.

It’s no longer an emotional issue; go find your passions! Here’s a few post-breakup goals examples:

  • What was it you wanted to try!? Begin those hobbies

  • Self-love starts with self. Focus on personal values

  • Out with the old. Swap out unhealthy habits for healthier ones

  • Did you ditch friends? Yea, upgrade your social circle

  • Develop a co-parenting plan (have kids?)

  • Step out of your comfy bubble and into the adventurous side of life!

  • You’re a new person. Develop a 3-month plan for your next chapter


Roses 🌹 Love's poster child. Isn't just about romance; it's your heart's best friend. It helps you forgive your past, embrace your imperfections, and spread love like confetti in your relationships. 🌹💕If you’re reading this far Rosebud, have you or your partner grab some roses.

Loving yourself holistically with roses is easy.

Sipping rose tea - inhaling their essence with diffused oils

Adorning a rose petal necklace

Indulging in a luxurious rose-infused bath.

Let the sensuality of roses ignite your self-love journey, both inside and out. 🌹

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

How did you like today’s email?

Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Dr. Hall, Mike Johnson 

Editing by: Mike Johnson

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