Knock Knock! Backdoor (July 20)

🍑 Knock Knock! Backdoor Calling!

Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Trust. That word alone brings up so many memories, the bold and beautiful but also the painful and ugly cries. 


In Texas, possessing more than six dildos is illegal under the Obscene Device Law. This law criminalizes owning "six or more obscene devices or identical or similar obscene articles," which includes dildos. Further, "Obscene device" means a device including a dildo...” 

Texas: Where you can spell "sex," but better keep it PG or the cuffs come out!

JUST THE TIPDuring 30 minutes of active sex, the average person burns approximately 200 calories. Spice up your workout routine! Exchange a little of the gym time for some Kama Sutra moves.

Keep in mind your average cisgender heterosexual males lasts 2-7min! You may want to rethink your favorite high snack 😉.

Dear Feeling Seen,

“I have enjoyed anal sex, the few times I have had it. My partner enjoys it and I want to be able to relax and enjoy it as a pleasure vs a pain to start. How can I enjoy it more and want it more for a kinkier sex play?”


Anal Maybe? Intimate Explorer from San Antonio

We love your love of anal play! Exploring can be fun, butt pleasure doesn’t have to be painful.

Tapping into your inner sexual desire is the path to your most pleasurable experiences yet. Let’s talk about how to get you there. 

Safety Through open Dialogue

You want to go around the back door, but going through the front door of open and honest communication is key. Nothing gets your body in the mood like a deep connection. And if backdoor is the goal, being loose and relaxed is vital. Communicate:

  • How you’re feeling and what you need

  • Prepping for pleasure backdoor

  • Consent and what this means

  • Safe words to use in case you want to stop 

Communicating about these and more brings you the confidence needed to relax and enjoy!

No one knows your body better than you do. Trust yourself to know what you like and be open with your emotions, feelings, and thoughts to your partner.

By communicating more as the receiver you take pressure off the giver as they’re probably not the best mind reader 😬.  

Grab your favorite silicon lube as you’ve felt the anus doesn't give too easily!

Never  go straight into kinky play without receiving a nice booty and anus massage. If your partner says no have them read this from the experts!

This will relax your muscles a bit. Fingers and toys that are clean and lubed up can be your friend before anything else goes in.

Becoming fully aroused, deep breathing, meditation, masturbation, creating a sacred space all aid to your relaxation too. 

Pro tip: If using a toy ensure there’s a flared end, don’t need you accidentally sucking in the entire toy! Yes it happens, ask your nurse friends!

Cheek-to-Cheek Connection Prep:

  • Pee after having anal, & sex in general

  • Do not go from the backdoor to the front door

  • Go to the bathroom within ~4 hrs of butt play

  • Condoms are there to help protect you from any STIs

  • Be mindful of what you’re eating, if you know it gives you the runs, run

  • Your favorite soap and warm water is good way to externally wash and an enema for internally

We know you have liked anal in the past and that’s what we love, a human experiencing their birth right of pleasure!

It goes without saying that your goal shouldn’t be to orgasm rather experiencing the peaks of pleasure. Now if it happens, by all means get that!

The pressure inside the rectum may make for a pleasurable orgasm. Orgasms can’t happen without comfort, let’s dig deeper.

Things That Don’t Constitute Consent:

1. An Outright Negative Response

2. An Uncertain Response

3. A Mixed Response

4. Phrases like “I guess”

4. A Non-Verbal Negative Response

5. No Response at All

6. Any Response From Someone Who Can’t Consent

7. A person under the influence of alcohol or drugs

consent [noun]: permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

consent [verb]: give permission for something to happen.

That isn’t good enough for us at Feeling Seen. The BDSM community has done a good job defining consent:

is an informed, uncoerced, enthusiastic, revocable permission for something to happen. Revocable means that consent can be withdrawn, by any party, at any time during the activity. Consent can only legally be given between adults of the age of consent or greater in your area

Backdoor or not, pleasure can’t be made without consent. Have fun!


Relax your body and deep muscles to help you feel the comfort you need to be in a better mood.

Roman Chamomile - When diffused in the air, creates a calming and relaxing effect on the mind. It may help improve the relaxing nature of your sleeping environment. Giving you the deep sleep rest you need.

German Chamomile - Has a direct affect on the skin.

  • reducing inflammation

  • improving wound healing

  • reducing muscle spasms

and it can be mildly sedative to help with sleep. Take it in the form of tea, liquid extract, capsules, and ointment.

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

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Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Dr. Hall, Mike JohnsonEditing by: Mike Johnson

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