Is Medicine Good!? (Aug 24)

Is It Love or Empty Moments? 💔

Reading Time: 6 Minutes

What is normal if no two people are the same?

This week I went to two weddings and it's beautiful how they reveal loves diverse paths. You’re on yours, keep going.

Explore your Sensuality!


We want to be granted for what we once took for granted.

From relationships, to our own body and mind. Surgeries to pills, to what's new on the market claiming to be an all natural and safe remedy. When it comes to safe, toys can be refreshing.

We talk about toys in the bedroom but we don’t shine light on toys that can also maintain engorgement. Enter the cock ring:

  • No injections & no pills

  • Able to provide shared pleasure

  • Help to achieve & maintain an erection

  • They can delay and intensify your orgasm

Cock rings go around the penis and/or scrotum. They slow blood flow out of an erect penis and can help make erections harder and longer-lasting. Some may also have little vibrators to increase pleasure for you and your partner.

  • Soft & Stretchy - Common, cheapest, usually silicone. Easy to use

  • Adjustable - Lasso adjusters, velcro, or other fasteners to adjust fit

  • Vibrating - Sensation for men, yet for stimulating the clitoris during sex

  • Solid - These rings are only for very experienced users. Even then, you may want to avoid them. There is a danger of penis strangulation with metal cock rings

Instead of orgasms being the ultimate endgame of sex, make pleasure the goal. Focus on being intimate and enjoying each other. Communicate more to reduce awkwardness. Use foreplay as the main event.


It can feel impossible to become present, to have clarity. Mindful practices across the world help to navigate our stress, anxiety and much more. Though they take time and attention. Yet [attention] is down to 47 seconds globally! 😬

The power to cultivate mindfulness into our everyday routine is ideal. Mindful practices like:

  • Meditating

  • Going for a walk

  • Breathing techniques

and the rest of the list does work great. The “I don’t have the time”, “I can’t sit still” or “I need stimuli from something!” we get it to.

Once you embody mindfulness, it weaves into your everyday life. Brushing your teeth or using the restroom becomes a place in which you can become centered.

First, you must create the space - to begin to give yourself equanimity. Using a pleasure journal, you’ll soon begin to create the mindfulness you seek. Here’s a personal journal entry of mine.

It’s remarkable how the things that bring the most aid are often overlooked.

Dear Feeling Seen,

“I am wanting to know more about the female body. I need to know more about myself so my husband and I can be closer in the sex department. I have never been one to explore myself and I am on anxiety medicine, so I mostly don’t get off and it has become frustrating. How does medication affect me sexually?”


Wanting to be Healthy & Sexy

Sex and medication are not always a preferred and positive experience. This doesn’t mean we should ban the relationship between sex and medication. It’s not that simple. Our reality is a combination of our:

  • Mental

  • Spiritual

  • Physical

  • Emotional

We know the story of a person with extreme highs and lows. Often having to do with relations, medication and career. Modern society at times sounds like a real life circus! 🤡

When the mood is right, medication can cause mellow and relaxation, absorbing you. Under all those conditions, the moment is unforgettable, for good or bad.

Other times the medication has you tired. Mind all over the place, making it difficult to focus and enjoy the moment.  

It’s not only about the medication you are on, but you must also consider the mood you are in. How your body feels before, during, and after you are on medication.

A change in any of these areas creates a domino effect in every other area.

Living a holistic sexual life is using pleasure for medicine.


Dr. Bryan Sackey, our guest this week, is a certified clinical psychopharmacologist. Discussing ‘Mental Health & Sex’ and how medications can impact our sexual activity.


Ayurveda is a healing system that relies on thousands of herbs to treat many conditions of the body.

Kaunch Beej – An Ayurvedic medicine that has the power to treat premature ejaculation.  Take in capsule form with warm water twice each day. It is also believed to treat erectile dysfunction.  

This Indian medicine is a high-value player in treating sex related symptoms.

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

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Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Dr. Hall, Mike Johnson 

Editing by: Mike Johnson

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