Reflect before you Project (Sept 21)

When Bedroom Talk Crosses Boundaries 🛌

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

The wine you’ve been desiring all day. Hearing the laughter from a newborn. Being touched by the one your heart skips a beat over.

Settle into your rest & relaxation. Honor the thoughts that come up for you & enjoy today's reading.

Explore Your Sensuality:


Sex Ed and Sexual health doesn’t have to be boring 🥱, cringe or anything that deserves bullying. It’s more than STIs. It is the complete package of physical, mental, and social wellbeing. We cannot forget about menstrual health.

Look and feel your best no matter the time of the month. The complete menstrual cycle wellness lifestyle your body needs is right here.

Women’s bodies are often of discussion. Don’t know who needs to here this but:

“And since we all came from a woman

Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman

I wonder why we take from our women” - Tupac Shakur


According to sexologists: The 4 Stages of Dating Relationships

  • Stage 1: Initial Meeting/Attraction

  • Stage 2: Curiosity, Interest, and Infatuation

  • Stage 3: “Enlightenment” and Becoming a Couple

  • Stage 4: Commitment or Engagement

Below it’s broken down further. What thoughts do you have?


Dear Feeling Seen,

"Is it normal for my spouse to tell me specific details about his ex-partner’s bodies? Like breast size, about their sexual experiences while we are having sex?”


Curiosity from Birmingham, AL

Dear Curiosity from Birmingham,

Addressing past relationships brings up complex emotions. People struggle to mention experiences from their previous relationships with their current partners. You’re not alone in your curiosity!

Our previous relationships impact us for longer than we like.

Lingering emotions and thoughts about past relationships are uncomfortable. Have you heard the saying, “Each experience is a lesson that contains a blessing"?

“Be unafraid to understand. It’s not a search for blame rather understanding. If you can’t solve the problem, go back and look at the givens” - Dr. Paul Conti

Take a moment and check-in with yourself when you feel waves of emotions from the past. Our past relationships are full of lessons that we take into future relationships.

  • State the feeling that it inspired: “I felt…”

  • State the need underneath the feeling: “I have a need for…”

Don’t rush into an emotional battle with your partner.

Pause and take a step back to get a clearer picture of what’s going on in your relationship. The answers are not as simple as your favorite Netflix’s special makes it appear to be.

Nik Zaleksi does amazing work in somatic connection. Answer these questions to find the answers you desire.

Instead of asking, “Is it normal if my partner tells me about his ex-partner’s bodies?” consider this:

  • What is the impact on our connection?

  • How does it make me feel when my partner talks about exes?

  • Does it turn me on or off when he brings up other people during our intimacy?

Are you curious and wanting more? Don’t stop now. Click Here to continue reading from Nik Zaleski on this topic.


5 Best Juices to Drink During Periods

Beet Root Juice - Good source of Iron and Folic acid

Watermelon Juice - Relieves PMS symptoms

Cucumber Juice - Reduces bloating during period

Pineapple Juice - Alleviates period pain

Cantaloupe Juice - Relieves menstrual cramps

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

How did you like today’s email?

Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Dr. Hall, Mike Johnson 

Editing by: Mike Johnson

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