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Role Revamp 🌟 Love Without Limits (Oct 5)

Role Revamp 🌟 Love Without Limits

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

No Shame. I am enough! Hell yeah you are.

“Shame corrodes the very part of us that believes we are capable of change." - Brene Brown

Explore Your Sensuality


Did you ever say something like this to someone, or hear it before?

“You're so promiscuous; you have no self-respect."

"Real men/women don't behave that way.”

"You must have a problem if you're into that kind of thing."

"You're such a prude; loosen up a bit."

"People like you only want attention."

Go to an elementary, middle or high school lunch and observe. Bullying is twice as likely for minority, underrepresented and misrepresented groups.

Bullying certain groups like the LGBTQIA2+ people and others face this head on. Recent data shows that 20% of Gen Z adults identify with LGBTQIA2S+.

Advocacy and Support Organizations for LGBTQIA2+ communities have lots of information for people.

The key emotion in all forms of shame is contempt.

Good Reminders:

  • Shame is not guilt - Guilt is feeling bad about something you did. Shame is feeling bad about who you are.

  • Shame leads to self-blame - Embrace it, for shame touches us all on this path of self-discovery.

In our journey to wholeness, compassion gently unravels the threads of shame.


The Orgasm "O Shot" is a non-surgical treatment. It's designed to enhance sexual arousal and rejuvenate the vagina. Often people experience stronger, more frequent orgasms, improved natural lubrication, and heightened arousal.

Reported results:

  • Increased sensation

  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation

  • Ability to have an orgasm from penetrative sex when previously unable

  • Younger and smoother skin of the vulva

  • Stronger and more frequent orgasms

  • Improvement in urinary incontinence

  • Decreased pain for those experiencing painful sex

  • Increased natural lubrication

  • Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm


Dear Feeling Seen,

“Da Brat recently had her baby, which is great and I’m happy for them. In a same sex relationship are there traditional roles or do both individuals share both roles?


Loves Liberation

Dear Loves Liberation,

Congratulations to them! They deserve all the happiness in the world, you too. We celebrate their courage to be their authentic selves as a family.

Playing our role is essential to team success. There is no question that we are stronger together. [With the right one].

Roles do need specific skills, qualifications, and positive attitude towards the role(s). Gender is not one of them.

There is a “power couple” living in my building who break the barriers of traditional roles with grace. These two are gushing with success and raise a gorgeous “little ladybug” who is happy and healthy.

Ms. "Ladybug" knows love and that her parents are two sensational human beings.

True love is blind to the limitations of small minds.

There are more than 100,000 same-sex couples raising children in America! The stats around the world are interesting too.

Traditional roles can be harmful.

Traditional celebrations of diversity and culture are beautiful.

In our passage to aid those to live a life free from suffering, we intensify our empathy.

America has freedom and bravery, at least within it's nicknames. Freedom which takes courage is costly. The complexity of tradition can be perplexing.

What’s traditional, especially relating to parenting? The children need loving, nurturing caregivers that will ensure their safety. Genders are irrelevant.

“Tradition is a guide, not a jailer” - W. Somerset Maugham

Here are some tips to grow awareness and support all families.

  • Be curious but non-judgmental

  • Ask questions with positive intentions

  • Speak up for diversity and inclusivity when anyone speaks down on same-sex families

  • Speak out loud for equality when the opportunity comes

  • Participate if asked

  • Observe yourself and see if you have any bias towards human happiness for all families


Meditation is a healthy way to grow self-love and let go of shame. The practice of resting with your thoughts, and having awareness without judgement.

This helps to relax the body and focus the mind. Following a guided meditation keeps you feeling safe and supported.

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

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Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Dr. Hall, Mike Johnson 

Editing by: Mike Johnson

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