Single & Sanctified ✨ (Aug 3) (copy 01)

Healing the Heart's Scars 💔✨

Reading Time: 4 Minutes

We will weather the storm, no matter the weather.

Our human essence thrives in adapting and conquering life's shifts and turns. In the bedroom we know, flexibility is key 😉. There is nothing we can’t do with the right mindset and support system.


Wings offer a safe space to heal and connect with people who feel your pain. With the aim to transcend emotional scars and lead their fullest, healthiest lives.


We understand it’s the summer and blistering hot. Keep in mind chlorinated water in pools can cause pH changes to the vagina. Which can lead to vaginal infection. Water tends to wash away any natural lube and leads to friction.

The ocean isn’t better…but Mike is with his girlfriend all over Costa Rican beaches and in their oceans 😘

Dear Feeling Seen,

“Do you have any advice on how to deal with sex guilt, if you are someone who has grown up religious or sexually abused and struggling with sexual feelings and desires?”


Ready to be Liberated!

Snapping our fingers to shut down sex shaming so you can embrace your natural right to a world of pleasure. Damn what a wonderful world we’d live in.

“Shame regulates sex”, yet they do not belong in the same sentence. It’s not your fault:

  • Cultural Conditioning

  • Mainstream Media

  • Religious Dogma

  • Lack of proper education

  • Unhealed trauma

  • Respond with what we’re missing!

We are taking a stand to address the negative beliefs about “shame regulating sex.” We’ve brought in Dr. Fedrick, who is an expert in the field, to help guide your healing.

We encourage you to read her response in our blog or watch her video podcasts. Read below for a taste.

“Our society puts out so many mixed messages about sex, that it is no wonder that people struggle to know how to feel about it.

Between religion, politics, our upbringings, and our experiences with and about sex, it can be really easy to feel confused and uncertain about this topic.” 

Fact 🤔 How do You Know? 

Our core beliefs are living zombies in our past experiences, still haunting us. You do not need to stay there. You don’t have to let the negative and harmful thoughts control you.

Ask yourself three questions to gain clarity:

  1. Have you listened to yourself lately?

  2. How do you know what you think and feel about yourself is real?

  3. Is what you think and feel, actually you?

Try these exercises to help tap into your authentic self. To free yourself from guilt!

Challenging our thoughts is powerful. Cognitive Behavior Therapy lets us explore. Explore which version of ourselves we are living. Four simple steps to help:

  1. Record your negative thoughts and feelings.

  2. Ask yourself how you know these thoughts and feelings are real.

  3. Look for any evidence that challenges your thoughts and feelings.

  4. Update your thinking/beliefs with a more positive belief.

Our mind is always on the go, so it’s important to count your wins and test what you currently believe about the guilt you feel.  Let us know how it goes!


This gift from nature can provide you the natural energy you need to be at your best. For one of the best herbal remedies on the go!

Panax ginseng, also known as Asian ginseng, grows in the mountains of East Asia. Asian ginseng improves sexual function in both males and females by boosting sexual arousal and alertness.

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

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Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Dr. Hall, Mike JohnsonEditing by: Mike Johnson

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