Trauma-Based Therapy (Sept 14)

Losing the battle with your traumas? 🥊

Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Shed those Labor Day calories with ease in the sheets. Sex burns up to 200 plus calories per half hour.

Who actually goes for 30min + 😏 only when you want of course 😉.

Explore your Sensuality!


The connection that's least connected is often with ourselves. 

It’s suicide prevention month, so here's a take on how stay healthy alone.

A life of following the 4 pillars: meditation, movement, connection, pleasure.

Have a sense of purpose. Be passionate about something. Maintain a consistent wellness routine. Make it a way of life.

Maintain financial and emotional independence to not get trapped into unhealthy relationships and attachments.

Don’t forget to reach out to us when needed, leave an email. “988” is the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline available 24/7.


“Seven drops of the vital essence of food are required to produce one drop of the vital essence of blood. And it takes one cup of the vital essence of blood to produce one drop of the vital essence of semen.” - Tibetan medicine

Essentially, 1 drop of healthy semen = 1 cup of healthy blood. Per Tibetan medicine it’s wise to be careful of how you choose to ejaculate. As you age, your health, diet and how often you ejaculate affect you in more than one way.


Dear Feeling Seen,

"I’m interested in trauma-based pleasure work. At 15, I was sexually groomed and assaulted by my 40-year-old boss. A few years later I fell in love with someone who sexually abused me for years. Sex has never been the same. I feel shame, self-abandonment, and anxiety with every serious partner I’ve had in adulthood, despite tons of therapy. How do I overcome this? How do I even begin to accept prioritizing my own pleasure?"


ATX Please Me,

Dear  ATX Please Me,

Pause, breathe, and be kind to yourself. What happened to you is not on you. Your mind and body adapted to its environment to survive.

Traumatic experiences push us without asking how we feel. 

Take time to reflect on what brings you joy and what takes it away.

Ask yourself:

  • What are you feeling?

  • What are you needing?

  • What are you experiencing right now?  


I am feeling anxious.

I need to find solutions.

I am experiencing numbness with sex.

Once you know what is and isn’t nourishing, you can start to make space for what’s needed. In your submission you mentioned,

Therapy. It has the capacity to help us get through.

Toxic mental environments

stay with us

long after toxic physical environments leave us. 

We love that you have sought therapy for years. What type of therapy? ACT, CBT, DBT, Psychedelic therapy, talk therapy? Have you worked with somatic therapists?

  • Speak with Erin. LPC, Clinical Sexologist and intellectual

  • You’ll go from numb, to pain, to irritating to feeling again

  • Start today with pleasure journaling:  

    • Shows what you appreciate and aids communication

    • Understand yourself more with the Polyvagal Theory

    • Focuses on expanding your pleasure consciousness

    • Attune your past/present to experience joy after overcoming and going through


Alfalfa better known as, “Father of All Foods” benefits:

  • Vitamins K, B8, and vitamin P

  • Regulates weight

  • Goes great with herbals tea or with food

  • Vitamins K, vitamin B8, and vitamin P

  • Regulates weight

  • Improves absorption of nutrients and minerals in the body

High source of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Note: This content is only for informational and educational purposes and should not be considered therapy or any form of treatment. We cannot respond to personal requests for advice over the internet.

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Today's cheeky content was written by: Erin Alexander, Dr. Hall, Mike Johnson 

Editing by: Mike Johnson

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